draw with the other team
in the other team's ballpark
: 《野球》敵地で He started against the Astros in their stadium, and held them to just one run on eight hits in seven and two-thirds innings. 彼は、敵地ヒューストンでアストロズ戦に先発して、7回2/3を8安打1失点に抑えた。
in the other team's home ballpark
: 《野球》敵地で He started against the Astros in their stadium, and held them to just one run on eight hits in seven and two-thirds innings. 彼は、敵地ヒューストンでアストロズ戦に先発して、7回2/3を8安打1失点に抑えた。
in the other team's home park
: 《野球》敵地で He started against the Astros in their stadium, and held them to just one run on eight hits in seven and two-thirds innings. 彼は、敵地ヒューストンでアストロズ戦に先発して、7回2/3を8安打1失点に抑えた。
in the other team's home stadium
: 《スポーツ》敵地で
in the other team's park
: 《野球》敵地で He started against the Astros in their stadium, and held them to just one run on eight hits in seven and two-thirds innings. 彼は、敵地ヒューストンでアストロズ戦に先発して、7回2/3を8安打1失点に抑えた。
in the other team's stadium
: 《スポーツ》敵地で
draw other people's attention
: 他人{たにん}の関心{かんしん}を集める
push the other team down the field
: 相手{あいて}チームを守備範囲{しゅび はんい}から押しのける
work with other people on a team project
: チームでやるプロジェクトで他の人と働く
agree to move to other team during the play-offs
: プレー?オフの最中{さいちゅう}に他チームへの移籍{いせき}を承諾{しょうだく}する
bunch of boo-boos on the other development team
: 《a ~》他の開発{かいはつ}チームのブーブー集団{しゅうだん}◆【参考】boo-boo
enjoy meeting other members of the management team
: ほかの経営陣{けいえいじん}に会えてうれしい
make team members more comfortable with each other
: チームのメンバーがお互いに親しみやすくなる
draw independents and defectors from other parties
: 無所属議員{む しょぞく ぎいん}や他党{たとう}を離党{りとう}した議員{ぎいん}を呼び入れる
a team
: 《米軍》A チーム
"draw wide media attention" 意味
"draw winder" 意味
"draw wire" 意味
"draw with" 意味
"draw with a crayon" 意味
"draw with the pencil stub" 意味
"draw work" 意味
"draw works" 意味
"draw with" 意味
"draw with a crayon" 意味
"draw with the pencil stub" 意味
"draw work" 意味
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